Contact Me

Hien Ly
Mobile: (408) 981-8872
Office: (408) 273-2227
Fax: (408) 273-2230
SilverTree Properties
2391 Zanker Road, Suite 320
San Jose, California 95131


Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist you with your home buying or selling needs.

Your Contact Information:
Your First Name: Required
Your Last Name: Required
E-mail Address: Required
Phone Number: (i.e.: 4081234567) Required
Current Address
City State Zip Code
I am looking to
Price or payment range: (i.e.: $100,000-125,000 or $800-900/mo.)
Desire location: (i.e.: Hayward, North Valley)
Minimum number of bedrooms:
Minimum number of bathrooms:
Property Type:
Option MUST have: (i.e.: Fireplace, hardwood floors)
Additional Information:

© Copyright 2003 Hien Ly. All rights reserved.